Let’s talk about the full physique.
Look below to see what other areas Dr. J can restore your confidence in!
Dr J specializes in fat transfer to the face to Rejuvenate and refresh your look. Take away 10-20 years of aging with Dr J’s “Nano Fat Transfer” procedure. This can be taken to another level with our array of lasers. As we age, we all lose volume/fat that causes us to look older, tired and even worn out. Very often “nano fat transfer” can rejuvenate the face enough to avoid or at least put off a formal Facelift for years. This procedure is done without any incisions so that means no scars!
As we age, all too often, we gain fat under the jawline and chin. This accumulation of fat obscures the sharp defined jawline and chin that we all had when we were younger. Jawlines have become very popular in plastic surgery because so many people have recognized the huge impact a sharp jawline and chin has on the appearance of youth. Dr J specializes in redefining the jawline non surgically. That means minimally invasive. No scars and no removal of skin! That also means no prolonged recovery as after surgical skin excision. There are 4 options Dr J. uses for his nonsurgical neck lift and redefining the jawline. Schedule your complementary consultation to discuss which of the procedures is best for your jawline and neck.
So many of us, no matter how much we exercise and eat right, develop flabby upper arms. Fat accumulates and the skin stretches and suddenly we have “Bat wings.” Many people turn to liposuction and seek out a surgeon that is all too happy to offer liposuction of the classic “Bat wing.” But, what about the rest of the arm? The side? The bicep area? The under arm? The bra roll that pops out of the bra. These areas are almost always overlooked and ignored by the surgeon who is only focused on the “Bat wing.” Dr J focuses on the entire arm as a unit and then breaks down the arm into 6 additional units:
Bra roll
Back of arm (Bat Wing)
Inside arm
Under arm or arm pit
Focusing on the entire arm enabled Dr J to get the uniform and natural results that all come together to seamlessly contour your arm. Dr J. also uses Vaser and J Plasma that tightens skin and leaves smooth and natural results.
Patient Testimonials
Dr. J specializes in revision lipo! Above is a revision abdomen case that uniquely exemplifies Dr. J’s ability to solve and give each client their dream body!
Here we go! The dreaded flat tire, muffin top, beer belly or whatever name you give it it’s not what any of us want or like. A nice flat tummy is most definitely a sign of not only youth but also of health and an active lifestyle. Dr J specializes in Lipocontouring and even sculpting of the abdomen for both men and women. Depending on your current BMI, weight and appearance, Dr J can make you flat, sexy or down right cut! There is an art to Lipocontouring and sculpting just like sculpting clay or a rock. Dr J is an athlete and has been obsessed with human anatomy almost his entire life. This definitely gives Dr J an intimate knowledge combined with an understanding of the beauty of the human body to contour and sculpt a look unique to your body. Dr J also specializes in J Plasma. This technology enables Dr J to take patients that in the past were destined for a tummy tuck and give them a tummy that is flat without the unfortunate scar associated with a tummy tuck. Dr J has been quoted saying “ J Plasma by Renuvion is a game changer and has enabled me to help many patients avoid tummy tucks. I have seen results that even surpass my expectations.” Schedule your complementary consultation to get that flat tummy back! And if your tummy is flat but you would like contouring/sculpting, let Dr J help you achieve your goal.
Dr J takes a special approach for thighs. Many surgeons refuse to do thigh and calf Lipo procedures. Why? Because it’s fraught with difficulty.
Thighs have a very soft buttery type of fat that can easily be disturbed and left with defects. It takes skill, patience and absolute attention to detail to get things right when it comes to the thigh. Especially as it tapers into the knee. Dr J has revised many previous thigh Lipo procedures performed by other surgeons that have gone wrong. Dr J is 1 of only several surgeons that will do thighs and do thigh Lipo all the way around the thigh. Meaning front, inside thigh, outside thigh and the back of the thigh. Dr J also addresses the dreaded cellulite on the buttock and thighs using his unique approach using a combination of
Lipocontouring, subcision, Aveli and J Plasma. Many patients that have thick thighs that are out of proportion to their body may suffer with Lipedema So, if you want as smooth a thigh as you can get that tackles the fat, the cellulite and leaves you with nice natural shape, you struggle with thick thighs or feel that you may suffer with Lipedema, Schedule your complimentary consultation and learn from the expert whether or not you have Lipedema and what can be done about it.
Calf Lipocontouring separates the surgeons from the surgeons. Not many surgeons will perform calf Lipo because it is the most difficult part of the body to Lipocontour. Dr J. performs calf Lipocontouring but also performs it in a 360 fashion, which means all the way around the calf. Most patients that undergo calf Lipo struggle with Lipedema. Lipedema is a disease state that creates fatty accumulation in disfiguring proportions to the body. There is a special approach and care that is required to perform this procedure. So, if you struggle with thick calves or feel that you may suffer with Lipedema, Schedule you complimentary consultation and learn from the expert whether or not you do have Lipedema and what can be done about it!
What is Lipedema?
Lipedema is a chronic medical condition characterized by a symmetric buildup of adipose tissue (fat) in the legs and arms. A common but under-recognized disorder, Lipedema may cause pain, swelling, and easy bruising. It may be accompanied by an unusual texture within the fat that can feel like rice, peas, or walnuts beneath the surface of the skin. The intensity of pain may range from none to severe, and its frequency may be constant, come and go, or only occur when the fat is pushed on. Limited public awareness of Lipedema, coupled with few research-backed treatments, can lead to the exacerbation of symptoms as well as physical and emotional distress. Common symptoms include fatigue, muscle pain, or easy bruising.
Who Gets Lipedema? Lipedema occurs almost exclusively in females, with rare reports of development in men. Although believed to be prevalent, the exact incidence is not known.
What Causes Lipedema? The causes of Lipedema are not well understood. It is reported to start or worsen during puberty and other periods of hormonal changes, such as pregnancy and menopause. Research is underway to determine the biological role of hormones, genetics, inflammation, and metabolism in the condition’s development. We do know that cortisol can play a major role in its onset.
Is It Obesity? No. Obese fat occurs throughout the body. In Lipedema, the fat occurs in the limbs, sparing the hands and feet. People with early-stage Lipedema typically do not have diabetes, high cholesterol, or high blood pressure.
Is it Lymphedema? No. The swelling in lymphedema often affects only one side of the body and includes the hands and feet. Furthermore, lymphedema can be diagnosed with imaging or genetic tests.
What areas of the body are affected by Lipedema? Lipedema is a condition that primarily affects women. While it is rare to come across a male with Lipedema, it does occur. It mainly affects the thighs, calves, upper arms, and in up to 30% of women with Lipedema, the pelvic area and even lower abdomen can be involved.
What treatment is available? Lipedema is treated with 1) micro cannula liposuction and enhanced with the use of 2) Vaser technology and 3) JPlasma by Renuvion. This triple threat is currently at the forefront of Lipedema treatment. Dr. J uses this combination to deliberately treat Lipedema. This form of treatment can help restore your fatigue, easy bruising, and unwanted shape back to you.
If you have Lipedema or think you might but are not sure, schedule your complimentary consultation with Dr. J to evaluate your condition and determine if you do have Lipedema and what your treatment options are.
What makes Dr. J’s lipo method different?
Dr. J incorporates specially chosen techniques to get rid of the unwanted fat in desired area(s). The extensive amount of procedures he has completed provides him with valuable insights into the specific liposuction methods necessary for the successful removal of fat to give you the look you have been wanting.